simple tip

How To Lighten Your Child’s Backpack

One of the keys to lighten your child’s school backpack is to choose 3-ring binders and notebooks that are lighter. The Diva shows you some new (and old school) products to lighten that load!

You can pick up the products featured in the video at stores such as Target, Office Depot and Staples, or just click on the links below to find the Mead Five Star products shown:
Five Star Flex NoteBinder – Notebook and Binder All-in-One
Five Star Advance Spiral Notebook (3-Subject)


SSD Backpack

A Simple Challenge: Clear The Clutter, Part 2


So when I decided to do this video series with Chris Stone of, I thought to myself,

This will be great! I will get organized and someone will actually HELP me do it! Easy Peasy!  . . .  Well, I was in for a shocker!

What I didn’t expect was to feel a combination of anxiety, embarrassment and attachment to silly things like fuzzy balls and googly eyes (watch the video and you will understand)!

Laura is not too happy!
Laura is not too happy!

When you have clutter, there is a reason you are keeping it around, whether you know why or not. When you start to get rid of it, you start to see patterns. This video is meant to really illustrate the sometimes difficult process of letting go of the clutter! These are my true and honest reactions; I’m not acting. And the funny thing is, Chris knew it was going to happen! She’s a pro, she’s seen this before with all of her clients, and knows how to help people get through it to a nice, clean, organized space!

So sit back and enjoy! And realize, if I can do it, so can you!

SSD Clutter Cover Slide Part 2

Simple Graduation Gift

As high school seniors graduate, they get to look forward to many new adventures; on those adventures, memories are made! Give the new graduate in your life a simple gift: A Memory Box to save all those new memories!

The Memory Box is for saving things like ticket stubs from concerts, events, and movies that have meaning to your new graduate.

This is a VERY simple project – the hardest part is finding the right shadow box – a top-loading shadow box that will allow the owner to just drop in their ticket stubs into the box. (I’ve made it easy for you by providing a link at the end of this post to where I found my box.)

Shadow Box 2

I found a great quote on memories and dreams that I thought would work well, and printed it on paper. Cutting the paper to fit the inside/back of the shadow box, I glued the quote on the inside, then replaced the back on the shadow box. Simple as that!

Shadow Box 1

Here is a link to one of the shadow boxes on

Shadow Box 3

Create A College Emergency Kit


You get that dreaded call from your college freshman, “Mom, I’m sick! My head hurts!” (or stomach, or ears, etc.). What can you do? Send them off to college with an emergency kit, full of items they can use to combat some of the simplest, (yet most annoying) of health problems!

The Diva shows you how to assemble a kit, with Mom-Recommended items that might help your student help themselves!

Note: Items in the kit are suggestions – choose items that are appropriate for your student. If you know they have allergies, add in allergy medicine you know works for them. You know they get a sour stomach during mid-terms? Pack in some tummy meds that you know work.

This video is part of the “Heading Off To College” series, featuring simple tips and helpful hints to make it easier to send your students off to college!

SSD Emergency Kit

Make Your Morning Smoothie, The Simple Way

My family loves a good smoothie for breakfast, but sometimes the morning rush leaves us without enough time to assemble the smoothie! Check out the simple video tip above for a simple solution to that time problem!


My smoothie packets all assembled and ready to use in the morning!
My smoothie packets all assembled and ready to use in the morning!

Frozen Smoothie Packet Recipes:

Smoothie Flavor Combos – You are only limited by your imagination!

Our current favorite recipe includes banana, mango, pineapple, spinach, and coconut greek yogurt (mixed with apple juice)! My oldest says, “It is better than ice cream, and healthier, too!”

Other favorites include:

The Superfood Smoothie – strawberry, blueberry, chia seeds and apple juice or almond milk.

The Tropical – Mango, Pineapple, Coconut Yogurt mixed with organic acai juice.

Strawberry & Banana – mixed with vanilla yogurt and almond milk.

Another great tip when preparing your frozen smoothie packets: If you want to include yogurt in your smoothie, use an ice cube tray and make yogurt ice cubes. They make it easier to assemble your smoothie packets!

SSD Smoothie PAckets

Tips for Surviving Daylight Savings Time

SSD Daylight Savings
Whether you are a parent trying to help your child, or you are just not a morning person, Daylight Savings time can really throw people for a loop – you lose 1 hour of sleep, it makes you groggy! It is well documented there are many more car accidents, more workplace accidents, and more heart attacks on the Monday after Daylight Savings! So here are a few tips to Survive Daylight Savings Time:

Start The Transition Tonight! It’s Wednesday – you have four days to get adjusted! Get the kids to bed (and yourself!) 15 minutes earlier each night through Saturday. Get yourself up 15 minutes earlier each morning. This will help reset your internal clock. Plus, avoid the TV, computer screen and phone screen at least one hour before bed – the screen glow interferes with your sleep rhythms. Use the time to relax – do a little yoga, meditation, or read a book.

Eat A Little Earlier Just like your sleep schedule, adjust your meal schedule throughout the week to get you used to the time change. And eat a little lighter.

Get Your Early Morning Vitamin D! Step outside early in the morning and get some sun exposure on your face! This will help adjust your circadian rhythm to the earlier time.

Work Out In The Early Part of The Day Exercise will help tire you out for the evening. But be sure to do it in the morning – later in the day will actually stimulate you, rather than relax you.

Nap! Sometimes, you are just so sleepy you have to take a nap. Well go ahead and take one. But make sure it is early afternoon, and is no more than 20 minutes. Set a timer on your phone or your kitchen timer to keep from oversleeping.

SSD Daylight Savings Tips

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