Putting Pinterest To The Test

Simple Mother’s Day Project: Cup of Love

Image 12When my kids were babies, I knew that I would regret not having something that had their hand and footprints. Somehow, in my baby hormone-induced mind, I managed to come up with a cute idea that I still treasure today. A “Cup Of Love” was created in a pottery painting studio.  I chose the cup I wanted, chose my colors, then brought my babies in (my 21 month old and 1 month old at the time).  I took my oldest’s hands, painted them, and had her hold the cup on either side.

I painted a heart in the bottom of the cup and wrote on the outside of the cup, then I painted my baby’s foot, pressed it on the bottom of the mug and put the date. I came back to put the glaze on it, then the pottery studio took it from there!

I did the same project for grandparents, but wrote a “Cup of Love For Nana”, “Cup of Love For Papa”, etc. Cute little gifts that people will save forever.  I drink from this mug once a year – on Mother’s Day!

Note: In my warped sense of humor, it could be funny to do this again with my TEENAGERS’ hands and feet!  Of course, I would have to wrestle them down to do it!

Cup of Love

Spring Fever = Spring Cleaning!

Consumer Reports ShopSmartMag.orgGetting ready to tackle the big spring cleaning jobs around your house, but don’t want to spend a fortune on commercial cleaners that may, or may not, work?  Consumer Reports (April 2013) recommends three, tried and true, homemade recipes for cleaners that are inexpensive and easy to make!


 All-Purpose Vinegar Cleaner: Good For Counters

  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cup water

1.  Combine the vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

2.  Shake well to blend

All-Purpose Soapy Ammonia: Use on Walls and Floors

  • 1/2 cup household ammonia
  • 1 teaspoon mild liquid dishwashing detergent (without bleach)

1.  Combine the ammonia and liquid dishwashing detergent in a bottle.

2.  Shake well to blend.

3.  Dilute in 1 gallon of water for use on walls and floors.

Glass-And-Window Cleaner

  • 7 pints cold water
  • 1/2 cup soapy ammonia
  • 1 pint rubbing alcohol

1.  Fill a 1- or 2-gallon bucket with the water. Carefully add the ammonia and rubbing alcohol (See Safety Tips below).

2.  Mix well and pour into spray bottles. The mixture should clean glass well and leave few or no streaks.



  • Never mix bleach with ammonia, vinegar, or other acids. Those combos can produce deadly gases.
  • Always wear gloves to protect skin.
  • Store safely. Keep all cleaners, including homemade ones, well labeled. Store them away from kids and pets.
  • When working with chemical cleaners, check warning labels, open windows and doors, and keep kids and pets far away from where you’re cleaning.
  • Try a cleaner in a hidden spot before using it on a surface for the first time.





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