Month: March 2017

Why I’m Going Naked For A Month


Yes, I’ve decided to go naked for a whole month. I started this week and I don’t regret it one bit! I’ve said goodbye to nail polish for one month, on both my hands and my feet! (What? What did you think I meant?)

It was time – my nails had been hidden underneath acrylic, and although they looked pretty, they were choking beneath the surface. It was time to let them breathe!! And this is what they looked like after removing the acrylics (Not a pretty sight!):



Clean Those Makeup Brushes!

Makeup Brushes – A Girl’s Best Friend! 

I use my makeup brushes every day. They are the tools of my trade! Years ago, when I started breaking out on my face, I realized that I needed to keep them clean. Turns out, the combination of old makeup and oils is just a breeding ground for germs!

So gather up a small bowl or cup, some baby shampoo and follow my easy steps for cleaning your makeup brushes!


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