All You Need For A Terrarium: Charcoal, rocks for drainage, a beautiful bowl, soil, and a plant perfect for your lighting conditions!
All You Need For A Terrarium: Charcoal, rocks for drainage, a beautiful bowl, soil, and a plant perfect for your lighting conditions!

An indoor garden? Why YES! A terrarium IS an indoor garden! The Diva shows you a few simple tips to create a beautiful display that will remain lovely for years to come!

SSD Terrarium2Here are a few basic tips from on how to care for your terrarium:

  • Caring for your terrarium is easy. Check every couple of weeks to see if your terrarium needs water. Feel the soil to see if it is dry and add water if it is.
  • If your terrarium is closed, take off the top at least once a month to air it out. If you see lots of condensation or have added too much water, leave the top off until it has had a chance to dry out.
  • Pull off any leaves that show signs of yellowing or damage and prune plants if they grow too large.
  • Don’t fertilize your terrarium because you don’t want to encourage growth.


SSD Terrarium

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